Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What are you reading: Final Week!

Hello readers--

It's been great to see the continuous comments and activity on here over the last few weeks, and now we're drawing to a close. Use this post to comment and tell us about the last book you read for the challenge. I'll post a summary of everyone's comments on Friday to make sure we've tallied everything up correctly. So as the mercury rises this week, I hope you all find a cozy, *air-conditioned* spot to read a good book (fyi, the library is practically arctic, and we have a few comfy chairs in the back!).

1 comment:

  1. I read The Shack by William P. Young. It was good in parts, but rather annoying in other parts. The premise is that this guy, Mack, loses his beautiful little girl to a serial killer while saving his other 2 kids from drowning. Throughout the book the guy spends time in a shack with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit dealing with her death. I imagine that the book is supposed to bring some sort of peace to you about the death of his little girl. Some of Mack's conversations with the three deities were insightful, but a lot of the book I just couldn't swallow. At one point, he sees his long-deceased dad - that didn't fit. Also, he goes in a cave and meets a 4th person who just seemed to not fit with the deities. I think it would have been better if, say, the Holy Spirit has the conversation in the cave with him.

    Having said all of those lukewarm comments, several of my friends have read it (they recommended it to me) and they LOVED it. So, my recommendation is very mediocre, but popular opinion in my circle of friends is to read it.
